After joining the Lifestyles Caffe more than ten years ago, Liz Corbo is retiring. She could always be seen working at the cash register.
“I didn’t know anything about the cash register, but that’s what I was hired for,” said Liz.
Liz started working at Lifestyles after retiring from Hungerford, where she worked with Richard Salinardi, now executive director of Lifestyles, and Mary Ann Melchiorre, former Caffe Supervisor. It is also where he was first introduced to many current participants.
“I love working with this population.” Liz said.
Liz has known Julianne since she was very young, and Julianne became an assistant to Liz.
“I had to practice phone skills,” said Julianne. “Liz helped me with that. When it was really busy I would help by taking the orders.”
Liz has advice for the next person who will run the cash register. “It’s always gonna be crazy here. You can’t get upset if it’s crazy; you have to go with the flow.”
Liz’s coworkers and participants are going to miss her.
“She is very efficient, friendly and she knows what everyone needs,” said Vinnie Porto, a supervisor in the cafe.
Liz makes things happen. Most of all she’s a good worker and we’ll all miss her smile. Everyone at Lifestyles wishes Liz a happy adventure and retirement.
By Sal DiBenedetto with Brigid Fegeley (Interviewers include Sal, Steve Filoramo and Joe Padalino. Photographs by Meredith Arout, Kevin DiStefano and Nicole Lemily, )