Collecting Seaweed on the Galician Coast

Porto-Muiños is a company that collects and packs seaweed, for consumption and cosmetics to many countries including the United States. NWNPhoto, our news bureau in Spain, accompanied a Porto-Muiños diver to cook and collect seaweed.

According to Jose Martínez Photographer (in Spanish), “I really like the experience. To take living things in your hands is wonderful, a special feeling. I enjoyed trying seaweed. Barnacle-flavored seaweeds are my favorite. There was also one that tastes like green cucumber. I’m curious. I want to eat a meal cooked in seaweed. I would like to know how the cosmetics made with seaweed, and visit the facilities of the company.”
Photographer Carlos Martínez added (in Spanish), “I love to go to photograph seaweed. I was impressed by the waves, landscape. I thought of the danger that exists for divers and also for people who collect barnacles that were in the same area. I have not eaten seaweed because I do not like eating raw sea stuff. I liked seeing and hearing Anton (the diver). I’m curious about diving.”
On the Porto-Muñios website, there are many recipes with seaweed.

Carlos Marti’nez, NWNPhoto; Tino, Porto-Munios chef;  Ant—on, NWN Porto-Muni–os diver; and Jose Marti’nez, NWNPhoto. Barizo, Malpica (Spain).

NWNPhoto, an agency of photographers with intellectual disabilities located in various Spanish cities, partners with Life-Wire News Service by sharing photo features that capture life and culture in Spain. These photographs were taken in Barizo – Malpica (Galicia, northwest Spain) by NWNPhoto Photographers: Jose Martínez and Carlos Martínez, for Life-Wire News Service.
-This article was written by Anthony DiFato and Steven Filoramo and edited by Edward Gregory, based on text provided by NWNPhoto.

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