Life-Wire 8 Big 2016 Predictions

We asked our Life-Wire News Crew to make their predictions for 2016. Here are their prognostications:

  1. The Giants will whoop the Jets in the Superbowl 50. -Mike Cilmi.
  2. The 75th Anniversary of Disney’s Dumbo will be a major story in 2016. -Andrew Moszenberg.
  3. In 2016, a mechanical suit to help people with Cerebral Palsy walk will go into production. -Joseph Padalino.
  4. Sherlock Holmes 3 with Robert Downey, Jr. will be a major hit in 2016. -Anthony DiFato.
  5. There will be motels in space in 2016.  -Sam Stone.
  6. There will be peace in Iraq in 2016.  -Dolores Palermo.
  7. The Bulls will face the Knicks in the 2016 NBA Finals.  -Jonathan Chernok and Roy Aguis.
  8. The Beatles will reunite in 2016, featuring Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr with Dhani Harrison and Sean Lennon. -Anthony Buscarello.

IMG_0295 crop(Left to right): Life-Wire News Service journalist Andrew Moszenberg and locations director Megan Welch ring in the new year. -Photo: Anthony DiCostanzo.

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